ビッグバンセオリー Season 3 Ep. 18

The Big Bang Theoryを使って日常会話の勉強をしています。自分の勉強も兼ねて、気になる用語や表現について解説をしていきます。


Raj: Okay in Avatar when they have sex in Pandora they hook up their ponytails, so we know their ponytails are like their junk.
– Pandora:映画アバターの舞台となっている衛星の名前
– Junk:性器、あそこ

Howard: Yeah, so?
ハワード: そう、それで?

Raj: So, when they ride horses and fly on the birds, they also use their ponytails.

Howard: What’s your point?

Raj: My point is, if I were a horse or a bird, I’d be very nervous around James Cameron.
– Be around:そばにいる
– James Cameron:映画監督。代表作としては、アバターの他、ターミネーターやターミネーターがあります。

Sheldon: It amazes me how you constantly obsess over fictional details when there are more important things in the real world to worry about. For example, why wasn’t William Shatner in the new Star Trek movie?
– Obsess over:執着する
– William Shatner:スタートレックの主人公でカーク艦長を演じた映画俳優。

Leonard: Hey, Sheldon, I was up in the administration office, and I happened to overhear the name of the winner of this year’s Chancellor’s Award for Science.
– I was up:〜にいた
– Happen to:偶然~する
– Overhear:ふと耳にする
– Chancellor:学長

Sheldon: And you want to rub my nose in the fact that my contributions are being overlooked again? I am the William Shatner of theoretical physics. All right, I’ll play. What self-important, preening fraud are they honouring this year?
– Rub my nose in it:相手の嫌がることを言い続ける
– Overlook:見落とす

Leonard: Oh, I’m so glad you asked it like that. You.

Sheldon: I won?

Leonard: You won.

Sheldon: I won! This is astonishing. Not that I won the award, no one deserves it more. Actually, I guess I misspoke. It’s not astonishing, more like inevitable. I’m not sure what to do first. Maybe I should call my mother. Wait! I know, I’m going to conduct an interview with myself and post it online.
シェルドン:僕が表彰されるんだ!これは驚きだ。僕が受賞したんじゃなくて、僕ほど受賞に値する人がいないんだ。やっぱり、言い方が悪かったな。驚いたというより、必然なんだ。まず何をすればいいのかわからない。ママに電話しよう。待てよ! そうだ、自分自身にインタビューをして、それをネットにアップしよう。

Raj: Well, good for him.

Howard: Yeah, the one thing the William Shatner of theoretical physics needed was an ego boost.
ハワード: 理論物理学のウィリアム・シャトナーに必要なのは、自尊心を高めることだ。


Howard: Didn’t it look like that spear was going to go right through your skull?
ハワード: 槍が頭蓋骨を貫通しているように見えなかった?

Raj: No.

Leonard: Hey, you didn’t want a Slurpee at 7-Eleven, you don’t get glasses.

Sheldon : Oh, that will be another congratulatory call for me. Uh, mute, please.

Howard: Uh, hang on, flaming arrow.
ハワード: ちょっと待って、火矢だ

Sheldon: Hello? Oh, Chancellor Morton, how are you, sir? Yes, I was expecting your call (aside) three years ago. I see. Wait. What happens if I choose not to give a speech? Uh-huh. And if I don’t want to forfeit the award? Well, you’ve got that tied up in a neat little bow. All right. Thank you. (Hangs up) Problem.
– Forfeit:はく奪
– Tie up in a bow:完了する、対処する

Leonard: What?

Sheldon: They expect me to give a speech at the banquet. I can’t give a speech.
シェルドン: 晩さん会でスピーチをするように言われた。スピーチはできないよ。

Howard: Well, no, you’re mistaken. You give speeches all the time. What you can’t do is shut up.

Raj: Yeah, before the movie, you did 20 minutes on why guacamole turns brown. It turned brown while you were talking.

Sheldon: I am perfectly comfortable speaking to small groups. I cannot speak to large crowds.

Leonard: What, to you, is a large crowd?

Sheldon: Any group big enough to trample me to death. General rule of thumb is 36 adults or 70 children.
– Trample:踏みにじる(踏みにじって怪我をさせる)
– Rule of thumb:経験則、大まかなルール

Penny: Sheldon, congratulations. Brought you cheesecake from work. You know, ’cause of your award, not because a busboy sneezed on it.

Sheldon: I’m not accepting the award.
シェルドン: 賞は受け取らないよ。

Penny: Why not?
ペニー: どうして?

Howard: Turns out the great Sheldon Cooper has stage fright.
ハワードだ: シェルドン・クーパーはあがり症なんだ。
Stage fright:人まで緊張する性格

Penny: That’s no reason to back out. You know, I once got a pretty big honour in high school, and I was terrified about appearing in front of a big crowd, but I went through with it, and you know what? The world looked pretty darn good sitting on a haystack in the back of a Ford F-150 as a member of the Corn Queen’s court.
ペニー: だからって、引き下がる理由にはならないよ。私も高校生の時、かなり大きな名誉を得たことがあるの。大勢の人の前に出るのが怖かったけど、やり通したわ。トウモロコシの女王の宮廷の一員として、フォードF-150の後部座席で干し草の山の上に座っている世界は、とてもよく見えたわ。
– Go through:経験する、切り抜ける
– Darn good:とても良い。Darnはveryのカジュアルな表現と理解すればよいと思います。
– Haystack: 干し草の山

Sheldon: Thank you. Yeah, I’ll bear that in mind if I’m ever nominated for the Hillbilly Peace Prize.
Bear in mind:覚えておく、心にとどめておく

Leonard: Sheldon, you’re being ridiculous.

Sheldon: Am I? Let me tell you a story.

Howard: Where’s 70 children when you need ‘em?
ハワード: 70人の子どもは必要な時にいないんだよね?

Sheldon: I was 14 and graduating summa cum laude from college. Summa cum laude is Latin for with highest honours.
シェルドン:僕は14歳で大学をsumma cum laudeで卒業したんだ。(ペニーに向かって)Summa cum laudeはラテン語で最優等という意味だ。

Penny: I just love how you always skip over the part where no one asks.
ペニー: あなたがいつも、誰も尋ねないところの話は飛ばしてくれるところが好きなの。(聞いてもいないことを説明しだしたことに対する皮肉)
-Skip over:読み飛ばす

Sheldon: I was valedictorian and expected to give an address. Even now, I can remember that moment when I walked up to the podium and looked out at the crowd. There must have been thousands of people. My heart started pounding in my chest. I began to hyperventilate. My vision became blurry, and before I knew it… oh, dear. (He faints.)

Penny: Oh, my God.
ペニー: なんてことだ

Leonard: Sheldon? Sheldon, are you okay?

Sheldon: Don’t trample me.
シェルドン: 僕を踏まないでよ。
