The Big Bang Theoryを使って日常会話の勉強をしています。自分の勉強も兼ねて、気になる用語や表現について解説をしていきます。
Penny: Wow, Sheldon, I cannot believe you made up your own game.
ペニー: シェルドン、自分でゲームを作るなんて信じられない。
Sheldon: Oh, Research Lab is more than a game. It’s like the slogan says, the physics is theoretical, but the fun is real.
Leonard: We must not be playing it right.
Penny: All right, five. One, two, three, four, five. Oh, wow, look at that, my Department of Defence research grant is renewed.
– Grant:補助金
Sheldon: Oh! Great roll! Now you can demolish your Soviet-style cyclotron and build the large Hadron Collider.
シェルドン: おお!最高な目だ!これでソ連型サイクロトロンを壊して、大型ハドロン衝突型加速器を建設できるよ。
Penny: Yay.
Sheldon: You’re a natural at this, Penny. And as the first beta testers, you two’ll have quite the edge when we play with Wolowitz and Koothrappali on Sunday.
シェルドン: ペニー、君はこのゲームの才能があるよ。最初のベータテスターとして、日曜日にウォロウィッツとクースラパリと対戦するとき、君たち2人はかなり優位に立てるよ。
– Your are at natural:(生まれつきの)才能がある
– Beta test:ソフトウェアが完成間近に行う試験
– You have the edge:有利な状況にある
Leonard: Oh, gee, Sheldon, I don’t think we can play on Sunday.
Sheldon: Why not?
Leonard: Because of the reasons that Penny will now tell you. Penny?
Penny: Actually, I have to pick up my friend Justin from the airport.
– Pick up A from B:AをBに迎えに行く
Leonard: There you go, she has to pick up her friend Justin at the airport, and I can’t play ’cause I’m going with her, right?
Penny: Um, yeah, if you want. I mean, there may not be room. He’s got a lot of stuff, like guitars and amplifiers.
ペニー: ええ、もしあなたがそうしたいならいいけど。だって、スペースがないかもしれないの。彼は、ギターとかアンプとか、いっぱい持ってるから。
Leonard: Wait. What are you talking about?
レナード: 待って。何の話だ?
Penny: My friend, Justin.
Sheldon: Pay attention, Leonard. That’s why she can’t play on Sunday.
Leonard: Who is this Justin?
レナード: ジャスティンって誰?
Sheldon: Your turn, Leonard.
シェルドン: 君の番だよ、レナード。
Penny: I told you about him.
Leonard: No, you didn’t.
Sheldon: Roll the dice, Leonard.
Penny: Yeah, my friend from Omaha, plays the guitar. Anyway, he’s coming to L.A. looking for some session work, so I told him he could just crash on my couch for a few weeks.
– Crash on couch:ソファーで寝る
Sheldon: Come on, Leonard, if you roll a six, Penny dies horribly in a nuclear meltdown. See what I mean when I say the fun is real?
Leonard: Hang on. Some guy is going to be sleeping on your couch?
レナード: ちょっと待って。ある男が君のソファーで寝るの?
Penny: He’s not some guy. He’s my friend.
ペニー: ある男じゃないよ。私の友達よ。
Leonard: So by friend, do you mean friend friend, gay friend, or ex boyfriend who you’re now platonic with but still might have a thing for you friend”?
レナード: 友達って、いわゆる友達のこと?ゲイの友達?それとも、今はプラトニックだけど、まだ君に気があるかもしれない元カレ?
– Have a thing for:~に気がある、好き、そういう好みがある
Penny: Well, he’s definitely not gay.
Leonard: Oh, a definitely not gay musician sleeping on my girlfriend’s couch. Yippee.
Penny: Okay, we went out a little bit, a long time ago, but we were never like going out.
Leonard: Okay, not to be pedantic, but the last I checked went out was in fact the past tense of going out, which I think we all know is a popular euphemism for saw each other naked.
レナード:わかった、衒学的なことを言うつもりはないんだけど、僕が最後に確認したwent out は、going outの過去形で、それはお互いが裸を見たことを示すよくある婉曲表現だと思うんだけど、
– Pedantic:学者ぶった、もの知り顔の
Sheldon: I’ll just roll for you.
シェルドン: じゃあ、僕が代わりにロールしてあげるよ。
Penny: Do you have a problem with Justin staying with me?
ペニー: ジャスティンが私と一緒にいることに文句ある?
Leonard: What was your first clue?
レナード: 最初のヒントは何だった?
Sheldon: Uh-oh! Industrial accident.
シェルドン: あー!産業事故だ。
Penny: You know what? Don’t talk to me like I’m an idiot.
Leonard: I’m not talking to you like you’re an idiot! I’m saying the whole idea is idiotic!
Sheldon: You accidentally stare at a helium-argon laser. Lose one turn and a retina.
Penny: How is that not talking to me like I’m an idiot? It’s my friend, it’s my couch, and it’s my freakin’ life!
Sheldon: It’s also your roll.
Leonard: You know what? It is your life. If you want to have some stupid guitarist stay on your couch, then fine. Why don’t you just rent some bunk beds and invite The Black Eyed Peas?
– Bunk beds:2段ベッド
Penny: Hey, if I want to invite the entire line up of Lollapalooza to sleep in my apartment, I will, and it’s none of your business!
ペニー: ねえ、ロラパルーザの全出演者をアパートに泊めたいなら、そうするわ、あなたには関係ないでしょ!
Leonard: Are you listening to yourself? Do you know how childish you sound right now?
Penny: Oh, now I’m a child? Well, at least I’m not an idiot anymore!
ペニー: ああ、今の私は子供?少なくとも、もうバカじゃないみたいね!
Leonard: The two aren’t mutually exclusive!
レナード: その2つは互いに排他的なものではないよ!
Penny: Oh, you are such a… (Sheldon has placed ice in the blender and turned it on) What the hell is he doing?
ペニー:ああ、あなたは本当に……: シェルドンがミキサーに氷を入れてスイッチを入れた)一体何してるんだ?
Leonard: He’s drowning us out. He doesn’t like fighting.
Penny: Sheldon, just stop, look, the fight is over. Oh, and FYI, you never even heard of The Black Eyed Peas until you met me!
ペニー: シェルドン、もうやめて、ほら、ケンカは終わったわ。それと、参考までに、私に会うまでブラック・アイド・ピーズなんて聞いたこともなかったでしょ?
Leonard: I heard of ’em. Didn’t know they were a band. Sheldon, she’s gone. You can turn off the blender.
Sheldon: Has your relationship reached its inevitable ugly end?
シェルドン: 君たちの関係は、避けられない醜い結末を迎えたのか?
Leonard: No, we just had a little spat.
– Spat:ささいな喧嘩
Sheldon: Look on the bright side. As the result of Penny’s forfeit, you have become the world’s first winner of Research Lab. Would you like a commemorative snow cone?